21.06.2022. We supported the Western front with our presence. With the Falchion and Ranseur tanks, and with the support of infantry, we helped take the airport in The Reach on Stonecrandle. After the airport was seized, the next goal was to support the offensive to a massive bunker near Headstone and Morrighan's Grave in The Moors. The bunker was crushed to the last structure, we managed to destroy many Warden vehicles with small losses and sow a havoc in the ranks of the Wardens infantry.
13.06.2022. Our regiment's pride is ready to fight for the Legion. Having learned from our mistakes, we planned a lot of new applications that effectively hampered both the reconnaissance and the attack on our bunker. Equipped with 5 Storm Cannon cannons and the Intelligence Center. 17.06.2022. It smashed everything within his reach and won each match, losing only one insignificant structure. Thanks to us, the front on Marban Hollow and Endless Shore moved.
06.06.2022. We managed to create a Coalition with other regiments operating in our area. We gave it a working name "Kraunian War Department" which has stayed till the end. The coalition turned out to be a complete success. Each of the jointly organized operations was a success. We were the force that the most numerous Wardens regiments had to take into account. Now we plan to further develop this initiative to further increase our influence on the course of wars.
04.06.2022. We supported ours in the offensive on Loggerhead. We seeded the ranks of the infantry and builders at the front, we also manned two boats with which we fired at the Warden front defenses. Although the Wardens were the first to receive 120mm guns and managed to push us away from the city, after receiving ours, we not only destroyed their artillery, but also broke into the city and after many hours of fighting we finally liberated it and effectively emptied our warehouses ...
On the first day of the war, while the fronts roared with rifles, our non-commissioned officers managed to do something that seemed unbelievable. On the bridge between Salt Caps and Loggerhead, they concluded a 24-hour truce with representatives of the Wardens forces. Both sides made sure that he had the power and made efforts that others would not try to fight there either. It allowed us to lay the foundations for Great Kraunia in peace.
New stories are waiting to be written and remembered. But first they have to happen.
05.05.2022. Noting that there was no progress on the Marban Hollow, we made a plan to cross the Deepfleet Valley Outflow between Lockhead and Oster Wall. We started with the muddy base expansion on The Claim south of Oster Wall and then went on the offensive. Unfortunately, despite a few smaller successes, the offensive turned into a defense, and three days after the base was built, it collapses.
04.05.2022. Our NCOs came out with the initiative to support the Central Front and distract the Wardens by leading a small offensive towards Callahan's Gate. The whole thing was going smoothly, but through the good streak our diversion turned into the main direction of the attack. The next day, the entire Deadlands were already taken over by the Colonial Legions.
30.04.2022. We fought for the last time. Despite our lack of supplies, we bravely defended the north. The Wardens, despite their great numerical advantage, gained every meter of Callum's Keep at great cost. The city, however, could not defend itself, there were simply not enough of us and the deliveries were less and less frequent due to the loss of almost all areas on the southern front and our complete cut off from it. However, we dragged on the inevitable defeat for as long as the equipment gathered in the city allowed us to do so.
27.04.2022. We started to recapture Callum's Keep, which ours lost while we were helping in the south. Due to the fact that in The Moors the city of Ogmaran continued to repel enemy attacks, we were able to lead the offensive from the south and north simultaneously. Using the 150mm Thunderbolt cannons, we successfully destroyed enemy infantry and destroyed enemy fortifications in front of the city, thanks to which our allies to march into its city walls. A few hours later, the city returned to our hands.
24.04.2022. We decided to support the southern front. We prepared the intercepted Balfour Rampart cannons and went to the aid of Blemish in the Heartlands. After reaching the southern gates of the city, we managed to capture the town hall in a few moments, the Wardens soldiers who fought on the front west of the city at that time did not even have time to realize what had happened. When the whole city was ours, we moved on to occupy as much land as possible so that Blemish could prepare for future offensives.
These cannons gave us such a fire advantage that the offensive only stopped before Hermit's Rest in Umbral Wildwood.
After capturing Tine in Speaking Woods, the offensive ceased, the entire front stabilized and we prepared for the Wardens counterattack.
We didn't have to wait long. For about a week, we had to face the next assault on the city, which we successfully repelled.
The situation changed when the Wardens field guns Balfour Rampart arrived at the front, then we lost control of the city, but thanks to the fact that our clan supplied the front with good equipment, the front did not retreat for some time.
29.03.2022. In the first days of the 90's war, we are taking part in an operation whose goal is to get Callum's Keep as quickly as possible. Our task is to besiege the northern side, the other Regiments were to cut off the city from the east and besiege the city from the south. After less than 3 days, despite fierce defense, the city collapses and we entered its gates.
The period in which one side, and then the other side, pushed forward without problems or with small obstacles, but the front was so unstable that it was impossible to do something more organized. These wars were baptized by both factions as "Break War" due to their course. Despite the ambitious idea of โโour builders to create a Fort Duncan bunker that would match the bunker of the 404th regiment, the war did not allow it. Before the technology could move forward, the war was over and the whole plan was abandoned. The second of these wars, from our perspective, was simply a defensive war due to the small number of personnel in the faction.
In The Beginning of the War, it may not have gone our way, despite small local successes, but later many Wardens regiments failed, facing the highest skill of our engineers. Cerberus bunker complex of the cpt. Dark Stalker was supposed to stop the Wardens offensive on Marban Hollow and we did not expect such effects ourselves. A bunker with a minimal base was able to fight off assault after assault defending the entire region for over two weeks.
The end of Cerberus came as the Warden fired Storm Cannons at it and tweaked them with Balfour Rampart guns.
War 86 is not only a battle at the front, but also a massive hunt for Wardens sea transports. Our regiment has been honored by many clans for its effectiveness at sea in intercepting Wardens logistics. In total, we managed to commandeer over 40 Frigates and sink some of them, which significantly reduced the equipment of the Wardens frontiers on the eastern front.
The first half of War 86 was extremely tiring. At first pushing through bridges and then constant artillery fire on Isawa.
It was then that the members of our regiment stopped panicking under artillery fire because they got used to it.
There, we also learned to conduct a very effective artillery counter fire, which each time pushed the Warden forces towards the Promithiens.
As soon as War 86 began, our entire regiment focused on preparing equipment for operations behind the enemy lines. After about 20 minutes we were already on our way to the Skodio in Tempest Island. Our goal was to intercept enemy logistics. It turned out better than we expected. On the spot, we found the bunker which we took over and transformed it into our base. It is worth adding that it was located on the only access road to Skodio. As a result, for over 3 hours, we blocked the supply of supplies while repelling the enemy, all for their own equipment.
08.12.2021. We drove as a pre-emptive strike at Callum's Cape. We got rid of the Wardens fortifications with a few tanks on the designated route of the attack, which was to take place the next day. The whole operation went smoothly and the curiosity of the whole operation was to drive 8 Wardens tanks against our three light tanks because the previous, less numerous groups had been destroyed by us. The next day, Callums Keep has fallen.
In that war, the Kraunian Support Regiment was stationed in Howl County on the Great Warden Dam. Due to the limited possibilities related to the topography of the region in which we were stationed, it was the greatest stagnation. Almost the entire war we were fighting with the Wardens forces on the dam, fighting hard for every meter. The exceptions were smaller operations on other fronts where we went as support when nothing was happening on the dam. Never again.
04.11.2021. Due to the loose course of the war, Cpt. Rozpi decided to organize the first races in the history of the regiment. The aim was to complete the previously prepared route in the shortest possible time. In total, 9 Argonauts with the best drivers of the Kraunian regiment took part in the race.
During the last days of the war, our rear bunker of the Cpt. Rozpi was the last obstacle on the way to the victory of the Warden Empire. The bunker, however, too effectively repelled the Wardensian attacks, so they decided to unite Slik Farms from the river, which ended with the destruction of the city and thus the end of the war 83 with the victory of the Warden.
06.10.2021. Our flagship bunker "Kraunia" took part in a brutal fight in which the Storm Cannons were in motion.
Kraunia, with four 300mm guns, dueled with the Bunker of the 82DK regiment, which had eight such guns. Although Kraunia was destroyed, the 82DK bunker on Loggerhead, which was a huge threat, was also wiped off the face of the earth.
It was a sacrifice that showed how great we have builders, artillerymen, but also supply logisticians and infantrymen who were the most effective QRF formation in the Drowned Vale region.
War 82, like many other Colonial regiments, was abandoned in favor of taking part in the greatest maneuvers of the Alliance of European Regiments of the Colonial Legion. The second reason the regiment did not take an active part in the war was that it was an important war for the Ward 82DK regiment. This war was ultimately a "break war" and was ended early by the developers due to the early introduction of the "Entrenched" expansion that everyone had been waiting for.
12.09.2021. Our regiment's ballistic missile was launched on Buckler Sound, ending War 81 and contributing to the victory of the Colonial Legion.
21.07.2021. We took part in the siege of Iron Junction. We divided into 2 teams: artillery, consisting of the service of 3 guns, and an infantry team. As artillery, we fired at strategic enemy defense points and the infantry helped destroy the front fortifications. In total, we swept about 300m of bunkers and occupied Iron Junction with other regiments.
07.07.2021. The task of our regiment was to fire at the city of Saltbrook Channel with artillery. We managed to handle 5 cannons, but even such a number did not give any results and it was still impossible to approach the town hall in the city. So we decided to come. Our spotter determined the angle and distance with a protractor and a little by eye. When the guns were in position, he sailed with one soldier towards the target. As soon as he noticed the town hall, he gave the order to fire and, to everyone's disbelief, less than a minute later only debris remained from the town hall.
12.06.2021r. The greatest siege in the history of Fort Kraunia has begun. The entire siege lasted 3 days, despite the participation of many of the best and largest Wardensian regiments.
With an effective defense even in a lap, we gave ours time to secure Baths.
On June 14, 2021 the fort was completely destroyed and the enemy marched further south.
On the second day of the war on 9.06.2021. We managed to get the city in 3 people. The very crossing of the bridge from the Overland side was not easy due to the fights taking place there and the ARMCO stationed there did not make it easier for us. Their order was to hold the destroyed bridge, but we managed to convince them to rebuild the bridge and seize the city. As soon as we succeeded, the soldiers from the bridge, not believing what had happened, came to help secure the prey.
22.05.2021. On that day, we took part in driving out the commander and founder of the 1CMD regiment. As KSR representatives, we manned 3 tanks and set off with the full wave from Linn of Mercy to Callahan Passage. The line of tanks started at the border and ended at Ulster Falls and it was about 100 tanks.
The last charge went through half the regions and stopped only at Lochan Berth. At 4 am, the last of our people checked out and around 7 am a ballistic missile was dropped on the city, marking the end of the operation.
12.05.2021. We went to support us as tankers. As it turned out, the request for help was justified. The 82nd Wardensian regiment led an armored offensive on Long Whine that day. Arriving there, it turned out that the enemy tanks were in command of none other than Mircin. This meeting, after such a long time, gave us a kick to act despite being exhausted by this war. Despite the superiority of the Wardens tanks, we managed to fight them off along with the other Colonial Regiments. It was a great victory and we lost only one of the three machines.
03.05.2021. Wanting to train new guerrillas, we decided that the best way would be combat training. There weren't many targets on the Farranac Coast, but we got information that there was a large amount of Warden tanks there.
So we took 2 Argonauts and a Bane rocket launcher. The training ended with the destruction of 6 tanks and we managed to destroy 2 cities with the loss of 2 Argonauts, 2 Haulers and one bicycle.
27.04.2021. We managed to fire a single 150mm Thunderbolt gun at enemy positions in the outskirts of Jade Cove, thanks to which ours managed to push the Warden out of town.
With one gun we managed to immobilize 7 tanks, which were soon destroyed by infantry, and then we destroyed 3 bunkers, breaking the Wardens offensive.
23.03.2021. The first event of this type in our regiment took place. Piwny Wieczorek Logistyczny loosely showed the members of the regiment that joint logistics can be more enjoyable than it seems. Thanks to this event, the relations between the members of the regiment were also strengthened by learning more about each other. This event is organized from time to time until today, giving a moment of respite in the war and generating a large amount of materials and equipment for the coming days.
12.03.2021. Together with the Mechanized Armored Division regiment, we were the first in history to launch two ballistic missiles at the same target. Our rocket hit the bunker defending Buckler Sound and the MAD rocket was launched into the city. It was a controversial operation, however, with this movement we destroyed the supplies of two great Wardens regiments and we destroyed one of the enemy logistic cities at the key moment of the war.
During this war, our iconic Cpt. Domczak. Fort Kraunia, located near the city of Salt Caps, has always kept the Warden awake at night since that war.
More than once besieged, it always gave our allies time to launch a counteroffensive.
Due to the fact that the project is improved from war to war on the basis of previous flaws, this means that the enemy must be thoroughly prepared for what awaits him.
04.03.2021. We have been informed of the Wardens landing at Westgate. Our regiment has been asked for artillery support to repel the enemy. It was the first time that we conducted an effective and sustained fire on the enemy's position.
Our battery, in more than 2 hours of shelling, completely burned the earth from Zeus' Demise to Wyattwick itself. The rapid reaction operation was a success and fate wanted Qache to stand against us, leading his new subordinates.
Just before the war 71, we already knew who we wanted to be. The Kraunian Support Regiment officially began to exist. We chose the Artillery and Logistics specialization. The name referred to the Lore universe and the regiment began to operate on new, better principles. We drew conclusions from the KOP and began to mark our position in the faction and on the front.
16.01.2021. Together, as WOP, we decided to build and fortify the city of Hermit's Rest. Our bunker defended the last city needed by the Warden for over 24 hours. Nearly 100 Wardens tanks were destroyed. Ultimately, on 18.01.2021. The Command of the Colonial Republic decided to launch a ballistic missile on the city. If it cannot be ours, then Wardens will not be either.
Despite the breakup, we continued to function. Starting from scratch, we were looking for a new identity and a way to create our regiment. Thus, the Border Protection Forces were for us a transition period full of new arrangements and many meetings in which every member of the clan could participate, if of course he was willing to do so. During the attempts to rebuild the clan, a moment after the meeting, another commander left us. Like Mircin before, Qache went over to the Warden side, betraying us and the Legion.
This December day was a sad day for us. At that time, no non-commissioned officer or privates expected that the Border Protection Corps would soon cease to exist. Moments after 4:00 p.m., we received information from the then commander, Mircin, that the regiment's activity was suspended. So, after 3 years of existence - 09.01.2021. The Border Protection Corps officially ceased to exist.
A lot has happened in the life cycle of our regiment - both good and some bad. We do not forget about anything, we laugh at these moments together and draw conclusions from them because these moments built us and our identity.