Day 8.

Tonight we arrived in a city called Therizo. There, tanks, ammunition and fuel were unloaded. The engineers, who, as it turned out, also traveled with us, immediately rushed to the nearest factory to present the plans of our favorite Kraunian toys - heavy artillery type 50-500 "Thunderbolt".

When things calmed down in the vicinity of the train, Captain Rozpi ordered a meeting at the station, where only the words "If I catch one of them stealing something more than Bmats, I will personally make sure that he does not leave the scrap field until he is promoted to lieutenant." "I know," whispered Lieutenant Finio next to me. "I've already been promoted 3 times."

After such a motivational "speech", we went to the briefing to get acquainted with the state of war, the appearance of the front and the characteristics of the territories. Once we have acquired the necessary knowledge, it is time for the last moment of rest. Tomorrow we're going to the city of Silk Farms in Shackled Chasm, so it's time to rest. Kostucha and Domczak have already picked up trucks from somewhere. I do not know if they stole or did it themselves, but in fact this equipment is made entirely of Bmat, so I don't think they broke the captain's order.

Day 7.

Oh and shit and hello. The Wardens found out about our transport. The entire command now asks itself one question: How on earth? Well, contrary to appearances, the answer may be quite simple. Since the information about the leak of a secret transport of soldiers and weapons was broadcast, the entire headquarters were looking for some "alts". I wonder what it is and whether it will help us win the war. It would also be interesting to find out what this has to do with the Northern Front. Anyway, it is even better for me, because we are also going during the day.

Captain James Stalker, alias "Dark", told me to come to his office today, where he has given orders to inform the troops of the planned time of arrival. We are all glad that we will finally leave this moving cauldron and return to the warm bunkers standing in the place. It is a pity that the snow ended as soon as we went down to the lower part of Vela. One of the officers overseeing the train assured me, however, that I would not run out of this cargo in the north and that I would also ask for a warm train. I wonder if he is right?

Day 6.

So this is what Veli looks like. Until we look out of the window after two days of looking at the sand. This part of the republic is completely different from anything I have seen so far. The further we go north, the colder it gets. It's good that the Army gave us warmer clothes because the boys would freeze in these cars. But Grandma was right, the underpants can win the war. There is another plus of the drop in temperature - officers receive a hot meal. For such moments, it was worth devoting to the service.

Day 5.

I'm honestly sick of this sand. It goes everywhere, from shoes to sandwiches, and it doesn't go away. Fortunately, if you believe my radio station, we should get to Vela tomorrow. Finally, I will eat a breakfast that does not have at least 60% sand in it.

I don't think the enemy has discovered us yet, although the reports are getting darker. If the communications team is to be believed, the activity of the Warden "Silverhand" assault tanks is increasing day by day. As always, we have to save the Republic's ass.

Today, Corporal Rabbiteusz received an order to check the weapons at his post and pulled a warning series at the feet of a goat grazing next to the tracks. It is a pity that he operated a grenade launcher, but you can see this perverse fate ...

Day 4.

We drove through the mountains at night. I would never expect to see a desert that is directly adjacent to the mountains. The train has no delay so far. As you can see, Kraunian trains, unlike those from Dimiourg, can stick to the timetable. Even the sandstorm could not stop the speeding locomotive.

It's hard to believe but we covered 1500 kilometers in less than 3 days. Unfortunately, it turns out that the nights on this side of the mountains are shorter, so we spend more time sitting on our backs than driving.

As part of exercise, Captain Driva told us to move ammunition boxes to the tanks. Thanks to this, I found out that there are exactly 67 boxes full of missiles in one wagon. It's just a pity they're heavy as a motherfucker. This is already the fate of a soldier.

Day 3.

The journey passes by operating the radio, sleeping and walking along the train. I am impressed with the quality of the tunnels prepared for this operation. About 3 kilometers long, 20 meters high and concreted so thick that it is hard to say how many components went into the construction of these tunnels. It certainly had to be borne by local businesses. The question is why all this, if so far none of our enemies has managed to build planes with a sufficient range. Or maybe the command doesn't tell us about it? Fuck knows those snobs up there. The most important thing is that I have unlimited access to coffee. At least for now. I take advantage of this fact by playing cards with the rest of the regiment. So far, I have spent about 3 half-kilo bags for Finia. The nibbled one is lucky in cards. Fortunately, others do not have such a knack and I manage to outplay them. Some of them have already got rid of their pay, which they have not yet received. I mean, I will have to give it to them anyway, because the Command strictly orders them for any financial fraud in the army, but the satisfaction is mine.

Day 2.

So we are on the move. Yesterday evening whole regiment has been set on the main square and received official briefing: we have to go to the nearest train station, fortify there in case of partisan attack and wait for further instructions. We got inside trucks and moved on. Our commander didn't show any emotions but regiment was boiling like a hive. I could hear soldiers conversations even through roaring engines which, as we all know, aren't the quietest in Haulers. After almost 7 months of fighting the rebels, we all were worried about going back to the frontline. There was only an uncertain future including fighting the "blueberries", as Wardens were contemptuously called, ahead of us.

We were traveling for about 3 hours. We passed dozens if not hundreds fields and farms while driving. Soldiers were going in and out from many of them. The manhunt for remnants rebels were still going and moving further and further away from base. After we reached the station, we fortified as ordered and waited. Around 2 AM corporal Talero, who was standing behind me, mumbled: "Watch it go in the distance, the train to crush Warden resistant". Fucking poet! I was about to put him upright but than I've heard whistle of steam- the train full of MPT "Falchion" entered the station. I have to admit, it was impressive. Tanks' armor was shinning in the weak light of station's lamps and machine guns and AT turrets were looking around menacingly. And to think that I was wandering where all those tanks gone after the operation!

The train stopped on station and some officer wearing conductor hat walked over to our captain and they exchanged a few sentences. After that I got an order to gather our whole regiment at the platform immediately. After 15 minutes we were all ready and waiting for orders. They were simple: regiment had to get into the train and prepare to man the guns on the wagons. After the briefing the train officer from before walked over to me and ordered to man the radio in communication wagon. I had to listen to reports about the transit route. He also told me that the transport is top secret and noone can see our train moving. They prepared special tunnels to hide the train for the daytime because we will be moving only at nights.

When I was entering my workplace I yawned. How much would I give for a cup of black coffee... and in this moment I got shocked. There was a plate full of sandwiches and a jug of coffee standing next to radio station. "Holy shit" I mumbled. Next to the plate I found a piece of paper saying "The High Command cares about its soldiers". The legend has it that someone once fucking believed it. But I couldn't despise free food, could I? After over 10 hours of listening I was finally switched by some other soldier so I went to the sleeping wagon, or rather a normal wagon with a few beds instead of seats. Well, I guess it's better than nothing. After I lied on the bed I instantly payed a visit to the Morpheus.

Day 1.

This morning a congratulatory letter came from the command. Just hearing about it and i knew something was up. These fuckers never write things like that to us unless they want something. Just a few days ago, one of the biggest operations of this... ekhem "front" ended - more than 100 Mass Production Tanks of the "Falchion" type had "a spectacular victory over the Guardian forces" or whatever the propaganda boys called it. In fact, it was just a slaughter - both for our regiment, because we had to scramble like an engine in Kraneska, and for rebels who were hiding in the surrounding villages.

Their "armored forces" had been gone for a good few weeks after our forces armed with Ignifist type handheld anti-tank launchers cut off all roads in the region and combed all possible hiding places in the forests.That little bastard burns holes right through the vehicles! I bet our eggheads have definitely overdone the load in it. Anyway, the command knew about it very well and it was not a problem for them.

Returning to the letter, however, as an adjutant to the capitan of our regiment, I received it around noon in order to get acquainted with its contents. So I sat down and started reading. "We would like to place in your hands the will of the Messean Senate, Dear Soldiers, congratulations for ...". Blah blah blah, official bullshit, you better say what you want from us this time. After scrutinizing the content of the letter, I was able to establish the main reason for it: The First Kraunian Support Regiment is deemed redundant on this side of the front and will be transferred soon.

I didn't even have time to think about it because a messenger burst through doors of local farmhouse, which was my office. From his appearance, I immediately recognized the messenger from the High Command. As soon as he saw me, he fired a "Special Letter to the commander of the First Kruanian Support Regiment from ...".Okay, put this letter on the desk and don't get puffed up anymore. "March off, "I replied. The messenger did as I told him and left. I put the congratulatory letter aside and looked at the envelope.

Holy shit, top priority. "Well, I guess i have to interrupt the Capitan's afternoon siesta". I smiled to myself and walked into his office. Of course, immediately after entering, he started screaming that how would it be to wake up the commander, but for my luck he noticed the envelope and the inscription on it. Without a word, he tore the envelope from my hand, read it carefully, and smiled a nasty smile. "Angel, what are you still doing here? You go full speed and you announce the following: tonight the entire regiment will be ready to go. We're going to take the Falchions to the Caovian Front and fuck the Warden by the way! ”After that, I knew everything - the command is not doing well in the north again. Fuck, and I was starting to like this place.

Welcome to the Lore section

V 0.51.25  28.06.2022

Day 8

Day 7

Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1
